A Round-up of Our July 2023 Coverage!

The Aiming Circle is a patron-funded community of practice, serving writers of military-themed essays, analysis, literary and journalistic non-fiction, genre and literary fiction, poetry, and more!

For as little as $1 a month, our members receive exclusive early-bird notice of military-themed writing opportunities, events, and markets! They also receive access to our members-only assessments of prospective contests and publications.

At higher membership tiers, writers also receive exclusive how-to and resources content, and access to a non-public Facebook group for cross-collaboration and -promotion with other members.

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PHOTO: An artillery round is fired from a M109A6 Paladin, assigned to 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, supporting 4th Infantry Division, during NATO training exercise Barbara’s Determination near Pabrade, Lithuania, on July 13, 2023. The goal of unified land operations is to achieve an end state by applying land power in collaboration with 4th Inf. Div. allies and partners as part of a unified action. Training and exercises across the continent build readiness, increase the divisions operability and reinforce the steadfast and loyal commitment to Allies and partners which make up an integral part of the Ivy Team. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Cesar Rivas, 164th Air Defense Artillery Brigade
