A Round-up of Our November 2023 Coverage!

The Aiming Circle is a patron-funded community of practice, serving writers of military-themed essays, analysis, literary and journalistic non-fiction, genre and literary fiction, poetry, and more!

For as little as $1 a month, our members receive exclusive early-bird notice of military-themed writing opportunities, events, and markets! They also receive access to our members-only assessments of prospective contests and publications.
At higher membership tiers, writers also receive exclusive how-to and resources content, and access to a non-public Facebook group for cross-collaboration and -promotion with other members.
Follow and sample us for FREE at our public-facing blog: www.aimingcircle.com
PHOTO: U.S. Marines with the 2d Marine Division band pose for a photo during Calvary Church’s second annual tree lighting ceremony in Jacksonville, North Carolina, Nov. 28, 2023. The tree lighting ceremony, hosted by Calvary Church, is an opportunity for locals, service members, and their families to come together in celebration of the holiday season. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Averi Rowton
