New Issue of Deadly Writers Patrol Released!

Editors at the Madison, Wis.-based literary journal The Deadly Writers Patrol have announced the release of their Spring 2020 issue.

The nationwide journal was started in 2006 by a cadre of Vietnam War-era veterans, but published issues since 2013 have included work from veterans of all eras. The magazine's editors welcome veterans' contributions of poetry, fiction, and more. Submissions by non-veterans should regard in some manner a theme of war or its effects. In addition to short stories and poems, past submissions have included excerpts from novels and memoirs, as well as personal essays.

The Spring 2020 issue features:
  • Fiction by Doug Bradley, Bill Glose, Kostas Ikonomopoulos, Bruce Meredith, Azin Neishaboori, Steve Piotrowski, Julia Poole, Rob Swigart, Peter Trivelas, Mike Welch, Frances Wiedenhoeft, and L.D. Zane.
  • Poetry by W.F. Althaus, Marcie Behm-Bultz, Robert Funderburk, Cody Gallo, John Garmon, Greg High, James Robert Kane, Daniel Keefe, Austrie Martinez, Dave Muffley, David Poynor, Nolan Raapana, Tom Revitt, and Fred Westermeyer.
The publication continues to consider submissions year-round. Publication frequency varies between one and two issues annually.

New issues are available for $10 at the website here. Back issues may be available for less.

According to the submissions page:
The Deadly Writers Patrol (DWP) […] is rooted in our belief that writing can reflect the deepest corners of our psyches, and can offer a vehicle to express the reality of war, survival, and healing.

We look for writers with all ranges of publication experience, including previously unpublished writers and those who have not been affiliated with an MFA program.
New work is preferred, although editors will consider previously published material. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, with notification. Publication acquires first North American rights, and on-line and print anthology rights. As compensation, the publication offers contributor's copies.

Submissions guidelines include:
  • No more than one submission per genre at a time.
  • Submissions should be double-spaced and include a word count and the author's contact information (name, email & mailing addresses) on the first page.
  • Short fiction: Stories up to 7,500 words; less-than-5,000 words preferred.
  • Poetry: No more than 5 poems per submission. No length or style preferences.
  • Memoir/Non-fiction: Essays and articles up to 7,500 words; less-than-5,000 words preferred.
A Submittable page is here.

The Deadly Writers Patrol is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and a not-for-profit, non-stock corporation under Chapter 181 of Wisconsin state statues. A page for making financial contributions is here.


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