Free Military-Writing Seminars for Women

Founded in 2009 by former U.S. Marine Sally Parmer, the North Carolina-based 501(c)3 non-profit Mil-Speak Foundation is evolving to a new model of workshop events, based on the previous seminar work of military author and former U.S. Marine Tracy Crow. The organization is currently promoting two FREE 2018 events for women veterans, service members, and military family members. Registration is required. (Register at links below.) Low-cost, on-campus housing may be available.
Military author and former U.S. Marine Tracy Crow is now president of the Mil-Speak Foundation. Crow is the author of six non-fiction and fiction books, including "On Point: A Guide to Writing the Military Story" (2015) and co-author of "It's My Country Too: Women's Military Stories from the American Revolution to Afghanistan" (2017).

With military precision, Crow states her task and purpose up front, regarding the events:
The objective of our On Point Women Warriors Writing Workshops is to empower more women (active duty, veterans, family members, and caretakers) with how-to skills for owning, writing, and publishing authentic experiences as part of American history in the form of op-eds, memoirs, and fictional stories.

The more important benefit, however, is to create safe spaces where women come together to share their gender-unique experiences, explore the impact of personal or professional trauma, and develop constructive paths toward enhanced self-awareness through art therapy. Writing, whatever the genre, creates a pathway toward healing the mind, nurturing the spirit, and cultivating resiliency.
The list of presenters is chock-full of practitioners in military-themed literary and genre fiction, non-fiction, memoir, and poetry (full list here), including:
Want to receive exclusive early-bird notice of military-themed writing opportunities, events, and markets? Join our community of practice for as little as $1 a month! Details here:
